Syncterm command line options
Syncterm command line options

  1. Syncterm command line options how to#
  2. Syncterm command line options full#

snakemake should be in a dedicated environment.conda-build should be in base and only in base.The environment at hand has multiple red flags in my book: Being more thoughtful about how environments (emphasis on the plural) are organized and work together, can go a long way in having a sustainable and painless data science workflow. However, Conda environment activation is so simple, and most IDE tooling these days (Spyder, VSCode, Jupyter) encourages separation of infrastructure and the execution kernel. So, I get that one wants all these tools immediately at hand. I assume the name " devenv" means this is a development environment. This is the single most effective constraint.īeyond that, putting minimum requirements on central packages (those that are dependencies of others) can help, such as minimum NumPy. Mamba will help solve faster, but providing additional constraints can vastly reduce the solution space.Īt minimum, specify a Python version (major.minor), such as python=3.9. That is a huge SAT problem to solve and Conda will struggle with this. And there isn't a single one of those that are constrained by the specification. This particular environment specification ends up installing well over 300 packages. This solves fine ( ), but is indeed a complex solve mainly due to: Here is the main function of the script (I can verify that this problem occurs only in the main function where argparse is used, not the other functions that the main function calls):

Syncterm command line options how to#

I don't know how to make heads or tales about this. Lastly, when I use a different subcommand that has no arguments and give it an argument (one too many) it spits out everything completely correctly without even the extra couple lines at the end. Right above the second time it prints, it prints the default usage line for that subcommand. When I call the one subcommand that has a required positional argument and I don't include that argument. When I call the main command and then type -help, the exact same thing happens as above. Also because the word usage appears in my text file, it says "usage: usage" When I call the main function with no subcommands and no arguments, my help_text from the text file outputs, and then like 2-3 additional lines of boiler plate I can't seem to get rid of. Lastly, I have set up a base case to display the help text whenever no subcommands are given. Before I reworked the help text, I had help text for each individual subcommand by using "help=" but now those are all blank.

syncterm command line options

Only one of those subparsers has any additional arguments (one positional, one optional). Then I create subparsers (4 of them and then a base case) to create subcommands.

syncterm command line options

I read in my help text file, set it to a string help_text, and then set "usage=help_text" on the parser. Here is the basics of how my program is broken down:

Syncterm command line options full#

But my boss isn't satisfied with the default help text, so he is having me write up the full usage/help text in a text file and just display the entire file.įor some reason, in a certain case, its outputting the text twice. Originally I had tried to leverage argparse's built in help text behavior. I created a command line interface with argparse. After an hour googling, I can't find anybody who has had anything resembling this issue besides myself.

Syncterm command line options